Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kalbelia Dance of Rajasthan

Kalbelia Dance, Rajasthan: Kalbelia dance is performed by the women of Kalbelia community, age-old occupation being catching snakes and trading snake venom. Hence the dance movements and the costumes bear resemblance to that of the serpents. Dancers are attired in traditional black swirling skirts, sway sinuously to the accompaniment of pungi, dufli and plaintive notes of the 'been' - the wooden instrument of the snake charmers. Two or three women sing in a high-pitched, free flowing voice, while others join in the dance. The vigorous and zestful display of their perfect movements to the enchanting tune of musical instruments is a treat to the eyes. The Kalbelia dance, performed to celebrate any joyful moment in the community, is an integral part of Kalbelia culture. Their dances and songs are a matter of pride and a marker of identity for the Kalbelias and they represent the creative adaptation of this community of snake charmers to changing socioeconomic conditions and their own role in rural Rajasthani society. Gulabo Sapera is one of famous Kalbelia dancer from Rajasthan.

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